Welcome to Holy Trinity’s Family Ministry page!









  Each Sunday, beginning late August through end of April, we offer various formation opportunities for Children and Youth.

 Children, ages K-4th grades

  • Children’s chapel with Sunday School  begins at 10:15 am, except on “First Sundays”.
  • We will gather in the Parish Hall (building across from the main chapel)
Our Sunday school consists of a lesson from lessonplans.episcopalchurch.org.
*Nursery and Sunday School participants will join the service at The Peace.

“Third Sundays” Youth formation. 

  • 9:30 am (ages 5th -12th grade) meet in the Canterbury Center
  • Youth will be divided into age groups and those going through confirmation prep

  “First Sundays” /Children’s service

  • Will be once each month at our 10:30 am service, unless noted otherwise in communications.
  • This service will be condensed and geared for children. There will be no Children’s Chapel on these Sundays.

We encourage and welcome our children and youth to serve in our services.

  • If you have a child interested in serving, please contact Jerae.

  Occasionally we will have fellowship opportunities for our families, children and youth. These will be communicated in churchwide communications and the calendar of events.

Email Jerae Wallace (Parish Wide Coordinator) with any questions you may have. Follow Holy Trinity on our facebook page for up to date schedule changes and information. Keep up with our youth and all they do by following us on instagram at htyouth_clemson.


864-654-5071 (ext 105)



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